new year
New Year´s Resolution

New Year´s Resolutions

Have you made your New Year´s resolution yet? Better question -- have you broken your New Year's resolution yet?

It's that time of year again when we all promise ourselves that we are going to work out, save money, spend more time with the family, etc. We make these resolutions with the best of intentions but somehow our good intentions never seem to stick. The motivation to change is there but not the willpower. The resulting failure can make you feel pretty guilty. Here are "The Three Don'ts" to making and sticking to your resolutions this year.

Don't Fool Yourself
It seems simple, right? If the person you are shopping for likes to collect something, maybe you can find a new binder or unit of some kind to store it in. Perhaps there is a gift that will help them learn more about their hobby or participate in it more. The possibilities are endless.

Don't Go It Alone
Chances are, if there is something about yourself that you want to improve, then there is someone else you know who is looking to do the same thing. Team up with a buddy or spouse and support and motivate each other to stay committed. This is especially effective when it comes to dieting and working out.

Don't Aim for Perfection
We've all heard that practice makes perfect. Not true. Practice only makes improvement. There is no such thing as perfection. As long as you're alive you can always upgrade and fine tune who you are. Don't try and tackle all your flaws and shortcomings at once. Pick one or two things that you would like to work on at a time.

If you do end up abandoning your New Year´s Resolution, don't be too hard on yourself. Our flaws are part of what make us who we are. Besides, there is always next year!


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